Evan Malinchock
Very few cyclists have ever woken up and said to themselves, "let's bike 120 miles today and feel great about it!" It's really nothing that you can plan for. The day began like any post break day, we woke up in comfortable beds and slogged out some mileage before breakfast. It was then after we stepped out of breakfast that everything about our day changed.
The winds are more imperative to how far you can go than elevation gain or loss or even temperature. Today we were gifted with powerful tailwinds that propelled us to our lunch destination that we originally chose to be our final destination for the day. It was here that we decided to turn our 70 mile day into a century, ending in Dunnville.
We had another 30 miles of stunningly smooth roads, with a powerful tailwind, and gorgeous views of waving grain fields lined with massive ancient oak trees and wind turbines. This is the kind of biking that inspires you to ride more than you plan to. The day was still young when we reached Dunnville when we decided to make one final push for a Warmshowers host in Welland, ON.
Riding through a wind farm
After more stunning riding we arrived at the Elliott's house, where we were greeted with a block party! The neighborhood gave us a very warm welcome that we have come to expect from Canada.
Aptly named
The mileage today on paper seems staggering, but in reality if we didn't have the hosts that we did in Welland I would be happy to continue on this magical day.