Evan malinchock
Evan is a sophomore at App State University studying sustainable technology and experiential education under the Wilson Scholarship. He is an avid biker and competes regularly for the ASU cycling team. In 2016, he rode the entire length of the Blue Ridge Parkway with a group of boy scouts from Troop 845.
Wes Malinchock
Wes spent the summer of 2013 biking across the country with Troop 845 to raise money for cancer research and the summer of 2016 riding the Blue Ridge Parkway with his younger brother Evan. He has since been a member of the cycling team at James Madison University where he studies computer science. After graduating this May, he will begin working as a network engineer for Cisco.
Brian richardson
Brian is a first-year student at UNC Chapel Hill studying biostatistics. He was part of the BikeLoud crew that rode across the country in 2015 to raise money for the Be Loud! Sophie Foundation. Since then, he has spent his summers backpacking on the Colorado Trail and the John Muir Trail.