
Bike Loud!

Ride of a lifetime

A cross-country Bike Trip to prove anything is possible if you PEDAL ON.

Bike Loud 2021 Crew.jpg


The Bike Loud 2021 Crew is raising money to support the Be Loud Sophie Foundation. We'll be testing our grit and determination as we cycle, unsupported from Wilmington, North Carolina to Quoddy Head State Park, Maine - the most northeastern point of the US. All donations will go directly to support the teen and young adults in cancer treatment at UNC's hospitals. Now more than ever cancer treatment patients are isolated and need the support they receive through the Be Loud Sophie Foundation.

The Be Loud Sophie Foundation supports adolescent and young adult cancer patients and their families at UNC Hospitals, click here for more information:

Bike loud 2020

Our Goal:  Nine teenagers bicycling 3,500 miles across the USA while raising awareness and donations for the Be Loud! Sophie Foundation.  Carrying their own equipment and sleeping in tents, the bike crew will travel across 11 states, gaining inspiration and sharing experiences with local communities while respecting the current COVID-19 challenges.

Our Cause:  The Be Loud! Sophie Foundation is dedicated to supporting adolescent and young adult cancer patients and their families at UNC Hospitals.  This patient age group has highly unique needs that are often not available in traditional care.  Be Loud! Sophie fills the gap with advocacy, outreach, awareness and training.

Our Message:  Pedal On - in the face of an impossible challenge, be true to yourself and pull strength from the supporters who give you momentum.

bike loud 2015

On the bucket list of high adventure, a self supported bike ride across America has to be among the top of the list. For most it will remain an unreachable dream. For a crew of seven scouts from Carrboro’s Boy Scout Troop 845, in the summer of 2015 that dream became a reality.

Bike loud 2019

Three Eagle Scouts from Chapel Hill, North Carolina hit the open road this summer for the ultimate adventure. Departing from the Washington coast, the college students will make their way over the Cascades, through the vast expanses of Big Sky Country, around the Great Lakes, and across the Appalachian mountains, completing their odyssey on the coast of Maine. All with no vehicle support.