WEEK 3!! It's hard to believe we're already 3 weeks in but it also feels like it's been forever since we left. Today was a little different than our usual rides due to weather concerns. The night before, we heard that it was going to rain around 5:30 AM but it was hard to predict because the forecast changed frequently. We decided to wake up around 5:00 AM and take a look at the forecast then to see if we could get some miles in before it started to rain and thunder. Unfortunately, while I was packing up and getting excited for the day I got word that we were going to wait out the thunderstorm that wouldn't pass until around noon which brought me down because I was looking forward to racing the storm.
Together, we decided to move to a pavilion on the other side of town to shelter ourselves during the thunderstorm. We all relaxed, under the shelter with outlets, until the storm passed and we would occasionally make a run to the convenience store to get snacks when there was a break in the rain. As soon as the storm passed we quickly packed up and headed out on the road around noon.
Within the first 5 miles we hit a fork in the road and were presented the options of going on a gravel road or on the state highway. After considering that the gravel would be very wet from the rain we decided it would be more efficient and safer to take the highway. Fortunately, the highway had rumble strips and a very wide shoulder for us to comfortably bike on. We split up into our groups as we rode along the highway and always looked for opportunities to take roads along the highway but unfortunately they were all gravel.
The screw that caused my flat!
After lunch, we set off again to do about 25 more miles until we would get to the town we planned to stay. When we were only 12 miles from town, I hit a long rusty screw that pierced through my tire and tube. It flattened my tire and I realized it almost immediately so we had to stop along the side of the highway. This really ruined my day because I was feeling good, but we had to stop and spend time changing my tube on the side of a highway. Evan and I were quickly trying to fix the tire while Sean directed traffic to avoid us. Luckily, a very kind man stopped his car along the road and volunteered to turn on his hazard so Sean could help with changing the tire. We were able to change the tire very quickly, but it was a faulty tube that wouldn't inflate so we had to do it again. It only took us about 20 minutes to finish and get back on the rode and we gave a huge thank you to the man who helped us by turning on his hazards to protect us from oncoming traffic.
Once we made it to town we got showers at the town pool and went to a diner to get some breakfast for dinner. A sincere man from across the street named Sluggo brought us some water and that helped us stay hydrate before our big day tomorrow. As I begin to drive and bike more, I've come to respect and appreciate cyclists so much more. When I get back to NC, I want to give cyclists even more space when I drive and if I ever see a cyclist stopped I'll offer my help in any way, like the man that helped us on the highway, or like Sluggo and offer any water I have. I hope more people start doing this, because even the smallest actions can make the biggest differences in a cyclist's day. Signing off for now, Cole Malinchock
The park where we spent the night.