Herrodsburg to Berea - 48 miles
A pleasant night under the stars in H'burg, breakfast at McDonalds, then on to Berea. Brian's face looked a little swollen, but not a hint of complaint.
Brian takes a parking lot spin on the tandem with Benja.
One highlight of the trip has been our companionship with a young couple from Germany, Benjamin and Caroline who are riding a tandem across the country, and we frequently end up at the same destination every afternoon. They're very fit, friendly and fun to get to know. When they finish next week, they're off to Heidelberg to teach school. I think they're amused by the banter of the boys.
Anyway, today's destination was Berea, and truthfully it was an uneventful ride. A lot of steep hills, but the boys are so fit that nothing phases them.
At the edge of Berea we found an RV park, settled in and headed to lunch. The usual friction between Taco Bell and Subway led to a split decision.
Laundry and showers back at camp, Italian food for dinner, a rousing game of spades, and some discussion about the final week. A lot of miles and logistical issues to resolve. I can't believe they're due in Wrightsville in 8 days!