Evan Malinchock
The quote and piece of advice that we have ignored the most this trip was "NEVER trade a dry place for a wet place". I like to believe that this extends to the idea that you should never trade a bed for a thin leather bike saddle and an 85 mile day, yet here we are again.
After begrudgingly waking up and leaving a comfortable warm bed in a room all to myself I was greeted by Jeff and Sue Meland with a piping hot plate of Keto pancakes and a cup of coffee. There is no finer way to start the day, than keto blueberry walnut pancakes, real maple syrup, and coffee. It was at breakfast that I vowed to never eat anything other than pancakes and syrup for breakfast for the remainder of the trip.
After a filling carbless breakfast, the Melands decided to ride with us (and in Sue’s case, dust us) on their bikes to the paved trail where we would remain for another 70 miles. It was there that we said goodbye to our much appreciated hosts and headed on our way!
Jeff and Sue say goodbye after riding with us back to the trail
The morning was exactly what I have always imagined bike trip life to be like ever since joining the troop, smooth flat bike trails linking many towns, multiple gas station breaks, and playful conversation among the crew, filling the miles with laughter and fun. The riding was easy and we were enjoying it, but the impending storm approached with each pedal stroke. Almost immediately, when we turned off the bike path the skies turned dark and rain began to fall.
The next 14 miles were marked with hallmarks of the past few days, exact shared pulls, headwinds, and wet feet. Fortunately we reached our destination before we got too miserable, Alice's Attic Antiques. Alice was kind enough to set us up with cots in the loft of her barn full of antiques where we will weather out the storms tonight and possibly tomorrow morning!
Alice’s Attic, 4 miles east of Little Rock, MN
Our accommodations for the night