Today we had another early wake up at 4:30 to get through as much of our day as possible before the headwinds picked up. We all had an assortment of cereals, drinks, and snacks that were picked up the night before at a grocery store to eat for breakfast. We packed up quickly and hit the road as fast as possible after eating our breakfast.
The morning was freezing and many of us couldn’t feel our fingers for hours. I guess this is a downside to waking up early. We biked 35 miles to a gas station in a small town for some water and snacks. After our quick break, we continued riding and felt the headwinds begin to creep up on us slowly making our day more and more treacherous. After 20 more miles of riding, we stopped at a rest area for some more water and bathrooms.
At this point, the winds were at full blast and many of us were dreading the miles to come. After our break, we had a massive hill to climb to get out of the valley in which the rest stop was located. The final 25 miles consisted of ups and downs that grew harder by every hill. We reached town around 2pm and stopped at a general store for some food and drinks. Then we went to the town pool, which is where we are camping. We were told that the showers were free for us to use, but to our dismay, we found that the showers were closed. Fortunately, there was a hose to wash up with, so everything worked out.
We are thankful for the generosity of the Happy Heifer!
We spent the rest of the afternoon resting under a tree and went to dinner around 5pm to a place called Happy Heifer Bar. I had my 3rd burger in a row for dinner! (just kidding, it’s getting really old). The owner of the restaurant even paid for all of our meals which was awesome! After dinner, we went to the general store to get some drinks and headed back to camp to hit the hay. Until tomorrow...